Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Marketing Strategies

marketing strategies that you can use to distribute your products , include:
  1.  Affiliate Marketing : using affiliate marketing techniques or intermediaries . Intermediaries are useful to market your product . Later , intermediaries will be awarded the commission . In Tanah Abang many who use marketing techniques like these , some grocery stores with large capital also distributes its products to smaller grocery stores .
  2. Blog Marketing : A marketing technique with a blog . Like the blog Gotcini wholesale supplier of children 's clothes that target visitors retail sellers of kids clothes to go to the website with the interesting posts such as brand promotion business tips and up to date .
  3. Display Advertising : marketing technique where you put banners or posters of your business frequently visited sites to the target market . For example, with Google Ads . Focus on keywords that are often the target market you type in google . This marketing technique requires a larger capital .
  4. E - mail Marketing : A marketing technique where you will provide the latest updates from your business e - mails to your customers . Some people are annoyed by this marketing technique will dismiss your mailing list subscription , but you do not have to worry about , the better your mailing list quota given to the right target market and need your product .
  5. Network Marketing : multi-level marketing techniques . Here you have to pay attention to the products you want to sell , so you are not just looking for as many members - many . Marketing techniques like this can quickly get customers but many brands of multi - level-marketing gets a negative image because it gives the lure of bonuses that are too high .
  6. Search Engine Marketing : A marketing technique where you hook the search engine company to become a partner . You can make your website become number 1 in the search with specific keywords that determine your own course .
  7. Viral Marketing : A marketing technique in which you market to people - people who will also be spread to other people . Such as word of mouth . Always keep a positive image of your brand image , doing creative things and different from your competitors then it will be easier this marketing technique is effected.

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